
Love it or hate it, the end game remains the same. Marketing is essential. Without smart marketing, you’re not going to sell books. Without reaching your readers, you’re not going to become a familiar name and a reader’s favourite author. 

There are a magnitude of resources out there for you to test through trial and error, and these sometimes ingenious solutions can be super effective and definitely are not resources to scoff at.

But for now, before diving into strategies, you need to break down what you already do. This means be super specific. Only by reflecting on your current strategies can you begin to move forward and invest in the “what’s next” to help you progress and help you get your books into readers’ hands.

So, let’s be ridiculously specific. List down EVERYTHING (yes, I’m using shouty caps here) to jot down on every aspect of marketing you currently do.

In my FREE subscriber booklets, I've put together my musings as well as what I hope are helpful reflective worksheets and guides to help you get yourself focused and motivated. Be sure to sign up to receive your five booklets.


Professional Goals